Trampoline Fitness

Trampoline fitness is starting to get more mainstream attention and I am loving that. The trampoline is such a versatile piece of gym equipment. Jumping (or rebounding) is only one of the many ways to workout using a fitness trampoline. You can do strength straining, barre, core work and of course cardio. Don’t let the crazy IG videos make you think that this workout isn’t for you. It’s for all fitness levels. Let’s take a look at the fitness trampoline.

Everyone is afraid of falling down. I totally get that. Falling at this age certainly hits different. If falling is a concern you have I highly suggest ordering a rebounder with a handlebar. It’ll be the additional support you need while jumping until you are more comfortable. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way let’s talk about some of the other workouts that we can do.

The trampoline is a great way to modify exercises that would be hard on the knees. If you like plyometric workouts but your knees don’t, try doing it on a rebounder. Your knees will thank you. You only need about 15 minutes of straight jump time to feel a good cardio burn. Honestly, 15 minutes of nonstop jumping is all most beginners can handle.

Barre - If you decide to get a handle bar your trampoline can double as a barre. This option will allow you to do much longer workouts. You could do barre and bounce intervals for one total body workout. I taught a class with this format and I suggest doing barre for one song and then bouncing for one song to create intervals. Create a 30 minute playlist of your favorite songs and you’re all set.

Strength - Now the trampoline isn’t as long as a weight bench BUT you can do some light weight exercises on it. Engage your core to lift your head and get those reps in. This can also be really good for your core. I do core work on my trampoline all the time because it makes me focus on squeezing those muscles to keep everything lifted just right.

Bounce - Bounce at your own risk. Just kidding, just kidding. Make sure the floor around you is clear and do what you bought this thing to do. Find bounce inspiration online to discover what choreography feels best for you. YouTube and the Jumpsuit Fitness IG page is full of ideas. Remember to bounce within your fitness level for a safe and fun workout.

Keep an open mind when thinking about the trampoline as an addition to your home gym. I use the JumpSport Fitness trampoline. It is the one I taught with at the studio and I highly recommend it. It’s sturdy and the resistance can be adjusted by loosening or tightening the cable cords. It’s available on Amazon. I ordered mine directly through the JumpSport site. They had extremely fast shipping that was comparable to Prime.

I hope this helps calm any feelings you may have had about the trampoline. If it didn’t, that’s okay. One of my other fitness mantras is, “We don’t have to do everything we see everyone else doing.” That is also a mantra for life in general. 😆

Until next time,



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