5 Tips for Easing Gym Anxiety

Gym anxiety is real and it can keep even the most motivated woman from sticking to her goals. Here's how you can become more comfortable in the gym and make your goals a reality.

We have found ourselves at the intersection of motivation and day one. A new fitness journey has began and we have mentally prepared ourselves to get our workouts in.

You get a gym membership, new sneakers and cute activewear and you head in for your first workout. When you arrive at the gym you start to feel a little insecure about all the people you see. Everyone "looks" to be in better shape and they are "killing" it. You feel as if everyone can tell you're new around here. Slowly but surely you begin to feel intimidated and overwhelmed and before you know it you're back at home.

And home is not where we want to be if we’re paying for a membership so let’s figure this thing out. These tips can also apply to studio group fitness classes if you get a little overwhelmed at the thought of those too. As a group fitness instructor I have seen many women slide into class and find their place in the back. She looks around for smiles and a nice welcome hoping to get a feeling of belonging. That little feeling will determine if she continues to show up. Knowing this, I want to make sure we are all armed with a game plan to push those feelings aside and get these workouts in.

  1. Know you belong.

    Listen. You are allowed to be wherever you want to be. There are no rules for being a gym member. Everyone had a day one at some point. Remember that with time the feeling that you have on day one will diminish. You’ll start to become a regular with each visit. Familiar faces will greet you and you may even start to have small talk with the staff and other members. At the end of your workout you’ll be glad that you were there and focusing on that sense of accomplishment instead of the initial anxiety should be what pushes you to show up again and again.

  2. Ask for a tour.

    Part of the tummy butterflies we get surrounding the gym come from not knowing where anything is. We don’t like to feel as if we are wandering around or “looking lost”. The best way to solve this problem is to ask for a gym tour. You should get one of these after you become a member but if you don’t request it. Think about what types of machines you’ll want to use and ask where those machines are located. Ask about additional amenities like the pool or sauna too. Knowing where everything is will create a sense of calm.

  3. Have a 🔥 playlist.

    When in doubt tune it out. Whenever I’m feeling a little uneasy about being somewhere new I have found it helpful to pop in those ear buds and drown out the world around me. I’ll listen to music or a podcast to distract myself from that lump forming in my throat. It’s hard to sing a bop and be overcome with anxiety at the same time. Good music on the way to the gym is also helpful. Hype yourself up on the drive over to loosen up. Trust me, it works. By the time I make it to my workout I feel like Beyoncé during her Bday era.

  4. Go with a friend.

    We are better together. Schedule gym dates with a friend. Bonus points if the friend is a regular gym goes that can serve as your personal guide.

  5. Start with classes.

    If being out on the gym floor gives you too much of the heebee geebees start with fitness classes. Slowly work your way onto the gym floor by using the cardio machines after class. Each week add a few minutes onto your floor time until you have built up about 30 minutes worth of workout time. Ease your way out there. Classes are a great way to dip your toe in the gym water.

gym selfie

It's all about you - Don't let strangers keep you from doing what's best for you. Sometimes people will be people all wrong and there’s nothing we can do about that. Do not let the actions of others deter you. If they stare at you, give them a show worthy of a standing ovation.

Keep your goals and desired results at the forefront of your mind.                                                                                  

Remember, feeling like the new girl at the gym is very temporary. If you keep going you'll become a regular.


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