Sometimes you never know if anything you’re doing as an entrepreneur is working. You work on projects and hope that your target audience responds favorably. Working alone means that there aren’t any annual reviews or promotions. You get use to your hard work going unrecognized until something big happens.

Online fitness coach and behavior change specialist.

I celebrate everything that I complete but I have to be honest and share that it feels really good to be acknowledged as an expert in my field. While I’ll never claim to have all the answers I do take pride in sticking to what feels right for me. I feel extremely honored to be recognized as a coach who is being true to herself while growing a business.

I hope other coaches find the tips in this interview to be helpful and relatable. No matter what industry you’re in I hope you remember that the market is only saturated when you mimic the market instead of creating your own lane. Your lane is the most efficient path to your goals. Choose it and go full speed ahead.


Until next time…


Spring Essentials: lululemon haul


TVF University: BB101 & BB102